packaging design

Product packaging is their wrapping, bag, package, cover, wrapper, container or label. Even the instruction booklet can be part of the packaging, because we have to think of the packaging as a system and not just as a wrapper. In general, it is useful for identifying content, presenting features, communicating warnings or instructions, protecting content, and communicating your identity and branding.

Although packaging has become one of the most important elements of marketing in recent decades, because it is the first thing customers see of the product – an advantage that services do not have – its story did not begin with that purpose, but with that to keep the product safe in its original condition: for example, already during prehistoric times pumpkins have been found treated as containers for food.

packaging on shelves

Packaging is a much more specialized and complex subject than we might think: it has an entire dedicated industry which, through research and development, improves the materials and structures that contain the products every time, facilitating the opening or closure, preservation, storage, transport, placing on shelves; also improving the materials taking into account allergies, materials harmful to health or the environment; perfecting the conditions in which a product arrives at our home, both through us and with the courier, thanks to the development of the right packaging.

Brand and packaging are not the same thing, but they become

Obviously it is the image, the one that attracts us and makes us choose between one product and another, so it is important that the identity of the product is clear and that it communicates the brand, remembering that the brand is not just the brand or the logo but an entire world in which the product inhabits from the moment it is conceived and designed to the moment it is delivered.

Consequently, the packaging not only communicates the coordinated image or the ingredients or what is required by law – if the product is blue, the expiry date, if it contains 500 grams of coffee or if it contains peanuts or soy – but the packaging it must make the whole world in which the product inhabits perceived, that is, transmitting one's brand through an experience, using the senses, in particular sight and touch, and therefore very often through visual communication. For this reason, it takes first a solid brand to then develop a packaging that is one with its brand.

Can packaging

In recent years, brands have taken care to include among their values, topics and above all actions that are important for their community, society, vulnerable groups or minorities and the environment.

This commitment must be reflected not only in the product itself, such as cosmetics without animal testing, new production techniques with recycled plastic or campaigns to avoid child exploitation in industries, but also by packaging and packaging: such as example, use vegan cardboard if your brand is (not all paper or plastic packaging is cruelty free or completely vegan); prefer recycled materials; use water-based inks for printing, developing during production so as not to waste cardboard and ink; design ink-saving versions of the brand. The important thing is knowing how to balance without losing identity, remaining consistent with the brand's values.

vegan packaging

The main objectives of the packaging

Packaging can have these types of goals:

Packaging today, after Covid.

Covid and everything that followed has changed our habits considerably.

The lockdown and the various closures have almost forced us to buy online, even if we were unfamiliar with electronic payments, even if we weren't used to or were simply against online purchases.

Not only have we consumers had to adapt, but also a large number of service companies, traders and producers who were not already on that path, have had to quickly set up systems for sale and delivery, virtual showcases, catalogues, websites ecommerce not always successful but functioning, above all because their customers, acquired or potential, were literally locked up at home and often in front of the PC studying, working and therefore ready to buy.

Online sales are here to stay, no doubt

An acquaintance who has a sandwich shop near my house told me that, although the sandwich shop has been reopening for some time, many people continue to consume take-away with home delivery. The convenience of finding things in front of the door will not allow us to go back and this underlines the importance of this sales channel.

And then, the packaging?

Even if it is no longer the first thing you see on the shelf, because by now the products are no longer found only there, the packaging continues to be very important because it is a very powerful tool for explaining the content, for communicating the use and positioning the brand in our head. If we use it and it works as promised and is consistent with what you perceive on the packaging, we will certainly remember it. This does not mean, however, that new consumer habits have imposed important changes in packaging and beyond. Let's see them together.


Someone objects that if a product is a good product, the packaging can also be secondary. Maybe it's also true, those who know the product know the quality, but those who don't know it cannot know how good it is and that's where the packaging becomes important. Furthermore, with the current competition, the ease of reproduction and the achievement of certain quality standards through innovation and technology, the potential forgery of a quality product without visible differences, the only possibility to differentiate yourself from the competition is to have a solid brand with values shared by our ideal customer : and here too the packaging shows all its weapons and potential, communicating our brand correctly.

packaging consistency values