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SEO for medical, legal and financial sites: EEAT and Quality Rating criteria

YMYL website

There are topics for which working online is considerably more challenging than others. Beyond the technical challenges that each subject presents, there are certain subjects that fall under the category "Your Money Your Life" (YMYL), an American term coined to group topics that can have a significant impact on users' financial or health aspects.

Google pays particular attention to these topics, both concerning Google Ads (requiring strict compliance with rules for ads and advertising accounts) and regarding YMYL SEO optimization, which involves positioning and visibility on search engines.

Setting up campaigns on Google Ads and conducting SEO audits for YMYL content, including medical websites and healthcare marketing campaigns, require a substantial commitment in terms of time, knowledge, and optimization.

The content on YMYL website pages is extremely delicate. Google places special emphasis on the quality and reliability of the information presented on these pages because incorrect information could have serious consequences in people's lives.

But what sites fall into the YMYL category?

  • Medical sites: Firstly, there are medical websites and those providing information on health, diseases, medications, mental health, diets, alternative medicine, and other health-related topics.
  • Financial sites: These include banks, insurance companies, brokers, tax consultants, and others offering advice on investments, pensions, home purchases, and similar subjects.
  • Legal sites: This category encompasses websites providing information or services related to legal matters such as divorce, separation, family mediation, child custody, and various laws.

The E-E-A-T criteria and the Quality Raters' yardstick

When it comes to SEO for YMYL sites, it's crucial to understand the E-A-T criteria (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) and the judgment criteria used by Google's Quality Raters. These two aspects are vital for maintaining or improving rankings in search results.

Regarding this fundamental SEO criterion, remember that:

Experience of the Content Creator

his refers to the author's experience in general on the topic or sharing real user experiences on the subject.


It concerns the author's expertise and knowledge on the specific subject. Demonstrating expertise in the topic is essential.


The online reputation of the author on these topics is crucial. The author should be considered a recognized and respected source.


The quality, accuracy, and transparency of the content are fundamental. Information should be precise and complete.

For YMYL sites, these aspects are particularly critical because they closely link the author and the content to the site where they are published.

Differences between Experience and Expertise

However, distinguishing between experience and expertise can be complex. For example, a website that shares personal experiences or real user opinions may score higher for experience, while expertise relates to the author's skills on the topic.

The Expert in YMYL Sites

In the medical field, Google requires authors to demonstrate expertise, providing detailed, secure, and scientifically based information rather than speculative content. It's essential for medical content to be reviewed by industry professionals to ensure accuracy.

For all YMYL sites, it's important to consider specific aspects, especially for those related to health:

  1. Transparency and Author Details: As mentioned, information about the article's author and reviewer should be clearly visible to readers. Remember the famous "Author Rank"? It applies to all websites, particularly YMYL sites. Therefore, hiding the author is counterproductive.

    In addition to the expert's name, providing further details about their experience, qualifications, and specializations is useful. This contributes to strengthening the reader's confidence in the accuracy of the information.

  2. Content Depth: The expert's review should not be superficial. Every medical statement or advice should be accurate, detailed, in-depth, and, as mentioned, based on scientific foundations.

    Notably, experimental medical practices are not permitted in landing pages or Google Ads on medical topics (there could be a debate about this, as it's questionable for Google to decide what's experimental and what's not in the medical field).

  3. Collecting Feedback/Comments: Offering readers a comments or forum section to provide feedback or ask questions can be advantageous. This allows users to report errors or express concerns.

Thinking like a Google Quality Rater

To achieve optimal results, it can be helpful to adopt a perspective similar to that of a Google Quality Rater.

Remember that Google Quality Raters - real Google employees tasked with qualitatively evaluating web pages - do not directly influence rankings with their judgments. However, the algorithms of the search engine are set and updated based on their judgment criteria.

This review should be carried out periodically, as Google's Quality Rater guidelines undergo regular updates.

In conclusion, quality assessment does not replace an SEO audit but is an essential element, especially for YMYL sites.

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