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7 techniques for taking original nature photos





Do you want to capture original nature photos? One that is both amazing and unique at the same time? It's not complicated at all: there are some little tricks you can follow to get original nature photos. All…with the usual subjects and with the usual places that you have already visited hundreds of times.

Use unusual lighting for surprisingly dramatic shots for original nature photos

For a long time, I had the feeling that my images were frustratingly similar. I could not find new compositions. I couldn't create the kind of magic I wanted. I felt like I hit a wall. Until I discovered the power of directional lighting.

Now, directional lighting is something most photographers are familiar with. Directional lighting is achieved when the sun is low in the sky – so that the light hits the subject from a particular direction.



If the light hits your subject from the front, that's front light. If light hits your subject from the side, it's called sidelight. But while the front light and side light are nice enough, they pale in comparison to the power of the backlight.

The backlight comes from behind your subject. If you want a backlit photo, you should make sure your subject is sitting between you and the sun – and then point the lens at your subject. Backlighting allows you to capture bright, dramatic light. It allows you to create a photo full of contrast, with a nice background and a detailed subject. However, care must be taken not to create a silhouette. If you underexpose the photo too much, the subject will lose all of its detail, leaving you with just a bright background.

So here's what I recommend : Point your camera at your subject. And then crouch down so that the sun moves behind the mass of your subject. If you can block out the sun, you'll dim the background. And you'll be able to capture some nice detail in your subject while giving the overall shot some gorgeous background light.

Another tip : It can be helpful to drop the sun through an object in the background. If there's a tree in the background, angle yourself so the sunlight falls through the tree. This will create a spectacular bokeh. And it will take your nature photos to a whole new level.



Shoot from strange angles for a whole new perspective

Shooting from new angles is a classic way to capture original photos.

That's because it works. Of course, you don't want to use the same new angles, over and over again. This will just make you fall into a cycle of making similar photos all over again! Instead, try to find a new angle for every subject you photograph.

I'm a fan of going low, and I recommend you try it too. Crouching, crawling, or even lying down on the ground is a great way to open up more intimate perspectives. And more intimate perspectives can make images extraordinarily original.




Another tip is to make yourself feel disoriented. Try lying down on the ground, looking at your subject. Or try climbing high above your subject, so you shoot straight down.

These particular angles are just starting points. Take them and make them yours. Experiment as much as possible. This is how you will capture original photos.




Apply creative techniques for a unique interpretation of a subject

Another easy way to produce original nature photos is to add something new to your photography arsenal. Something you've never tried before.

One way to find these techniques is to look at photographers of other genres. What do they do that you like? What's creative about their work? Is there anything you can take from their photos and apply to yours?

Here I will mention just a few creative techniques. These will give you an idea of the possibilities of nature photography. And they will also open new shots for you, right away.

First, one of my favorite creative techniques is freelensing . It involves detaching the lens from the camera and tilting it in different directions for a tilt-shift style image.

Freelensing will give you some amazing images full of depth of field, gorgeous bokeh and gorgeous light leaks. Second, I recommend trying photos of intentional camera movement. These photos are beautifully abstract and impressionistic.

To capture amazing photos based on intentional movement, just set the shutter speed to something slow (in the range of 1/2s to 1/20s). Then experience camera shake as you take the picture. If you persevere, you will soon make some amazing pictures.

Thirdly, you should try the ' shooting through ' technique, also known as ' cramming '. Find a subject – then change your angle so you're shooting through something in the foreground. This is generally the vegetation, but it doesn't have to be. If you can create a shallow depth of field, you'll make the foreground explode in a beautiful splash of color. And you will capture some very unusual nature photos.





Create excerpts from your subjects for something strikingly different

One thing I love about abstract photography? It forces you to see your subject in a whole new light. And that's why abstract photography is perfect for creating new perspectives on a subject.

But this leads to the question: How do you create amazing abstracts?

I have some recommendations:

  • come closer. For abstract photos, closer is almost always better.
  • try to think in terms of shapes and lines, rather than subjects. Compose with these geometric elements in mind.
  • be careful not to underexpose your photos. This is easy to do with close-up abstract photography because you lose light the closer the lens gets. So make sure you compensate for that chance.
  • use your viewfinder a lot . Move your camera and see how the composition changes.




Change lenses for a new focal length

Sometimes, all we need to do to get a new perspective is switch lenses.

After all, you probably use the same lens for your nature photography quite often. I know I have a few lenses in my kit that I use on a regular basis. And that can make you comfortable with your photography. You may struggle to find new images. Then change lenses. And make the change as big as possible.

If you've been photographing flowers with a long lens, try using something very short. If you've been photographing landscapes with a short lens, try using something long. And if you've been photographing birds with an ultra-telephoto lens, why not try something that shows a lot more of the environment?

Every time I try this technique, it works wonders. The all-new perspective is wonderfully fresh – and I get photos that I really like.




Original nature photos: find a photo you like and do something different

This technique is difficult: If you can do it correctly, you will be able to capture original and amazing images. But if you approach it without much motivation, you'll end up creating something boring and derivative.

Here's how it works:

  • Start by finding some nature photos that you like, but were taken by other photographers.
  • Then recreate those photos. Recreate the setup, composition, everything.
  • Make three major changes to the shot.

Changes can be anything: settings, lighting, composition, and more. The point is to create a shot that is radically different from the original, yet still captures the magic that the original possessed.

You can also use some of the techniques from elsewhere in this article. Add some camera movement. Use a wildly different angle. At the end you will capture an original image. An image you can be proud of.


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