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Some tips on mountain photography to take extraordinary shots

 Mountain photography 09

If you love the great outdoors, enjoy immersing yourself in stories told through the stunning photographs of Jack Brauer, and feel that it's time to venture out and start creating your own visual stories, then this mountain photography guide is tailor-made for you!

Unlike other forms of photography, mountain photography requires a deeper understanding compared to that of the average enthusiast photographer. This journey begins with discovering when, where, and how to capture the beauty of the mountains.

In this article, I will guide you through scouting techniques, provide you with tips on reaching the highest peaks, offer advice on identifying optimal conditions, and teach you everything you need to know about mountain photography techniques. (All of this will be enriched with some spectacular mountain images to further inspire you.)

Whether you're planning to hike through the Colorado Rocky Mountains or simply admiring the majestic peaks from your local national park, it's time to gather valuable tips to enhance your photography skills.

Are you planning to visit the San Juan Mountains in Colorado? The Dolomites in Italy? Or perhaps Mount Fuji in Japan? Whatever your next adventure may be, these mountain photography tips will be instrumental.

The last thing you want to do is arrive in an amazing location after hours of hiking and discover that you're not properly equipped. So, here's a quick guide to assist you in preparation.

Photography Equipment

attrezzatura montagna

While any camera can capture mountain images, some features make certain cameras more desirable than others. Let's start with lens selection - I'll discuss this in detail in a later article. Also, consider dynamic range, sensor size, and megapixels to ensure you capture high-quality images suitable for large prints. Don't forget weather resistance, which is essential in mountain environments.


Gli obiettivi grandangolari sono ideali quando ti trovi vicino alle montagne. Essi ti consentono di catturare un ampio paesaggio, inserendo elementi in primo piano per creare profondità. Tuttavia, l'uso di un teleobiettivo ti permette di concentrarti su aree specifiche. Sperimenta con varie lunghezze focali per aggiungere varietà al tuo portfolio fotografico.


Your tripod should be light enough for comfortable transport during long hikes or climbs. However, it also needs to be durable and stable, so choose one made from high-quality materials. Carbon fiber tripods are a good option, although they can be expensive. Find a model that fits your budget and consider height and versatility.


A camera bag is essential to protect your equipment, so don't overlook this aspect. Look for a lightweight bag that is also durable and waterproof. Pay attention to the quality of materials and extra padding.


Filters can make a significant difference in mountain photography. Some of the basic filters recommended by landscape photographers include the polarizing filter (CPL), neutral density filters with various "stops" of light reduction, and a graduated neutral density filter.

Personal Preparation

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Don't just prepare your equipment; make sure you prepare yourself as well. Get information on the weather conditions at both the base and summit so you can dress appropriately. Layering your clothing is a good strategy to adapt to changing temperatures and weather conditions. Hiking boots are essential for your comfort and safety.

Don't forget sunglasses and sunscreen to protect yourself during mountain hikes, especially in snowy conditions. Also, protect yourself from altitude sickness, as high altitudes can cause various symptoms. Consult your doctor before undertaking high-altitude hikes and carry appropriate medications. Ensure you have enough water and food for the entire journey.

Start at Lower Elevation

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You don't need to climb the highest mountains to capture extraordinary photos. You can capture the beauty of mountains from valleys or sea levels, achieving stunning results. Experiment with different focal lengths to vary perspectives and compositions. Don't limit yourself to just winter; even summer months can provide spectacular photographs.

Understand Camera Settings

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Learn to use your camera settings effectively. Keep ISO settings low to preserve image quality and reduce digital noise. Use narrow apertures for maximum depth of field. Choose settings based on your vision of the scene. Use manual mode if possible or start with semi-automatic modes like shutter priority or aperture priority.

Focus Stacking

Mountain photography 05Credits: Norris Niman

Focus stacking is a useful technique for achieving extended depth of field. You can combine multiple images with different focus points in post-processing to create a sharp image from foreground to background. Learn this technique and use it when necessary.

Photographing in Adverse Conditions

Mountain photography 06Credits: Eberhard Grossgasteiger

Mountains can be unpredictable, and weather conditions can change rapidly. Don't let bad weather deter you from capturing interesting photos. In fact, use these conditions to capture unique images. Fog, rain, and wind can add drama to your photos. Make sure to protect your equipment with waterproof cases and keep it dry when needed.

Shoot in Raw

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While RAW files take up more memory space on your memory card compared to compressed formats like JPEG, they capture much more information. This gives you greater flexibility in post-processing. You can adjust exposure, color temperature, and other settings without compromising image quality.

Study the Light

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Understanding light is fundamental to mountain photography. Study how sunlight interacts with mountains at different times of the day and in different seasons. Sunrise and sunset often provide soft, warm light that can transform a mountain into a work of art. However, midday light can be harsh and less favorable. Plan your hikes to be on location when the light is most suitable for your images.


Mountain photography 10Credits: Simon Migaj

Composition is crucial in any form of photography. Use the rule of thirds, consider symmetry, and look for interesting elements to include in your images. The mountains themselves can become focal points or background elements. Experiment with different perspectives, angles, and framing to create unique compositions.


Mountain photography 12Credits: Quang Nguyen

In mountain photography, timing is everything. Wait patiently for the right moment to capture your photo. Waiting for clouds to be in the right position, for a bird to cross your field of view, or for the light to hit the peaks perfectly can make the difference between an average photo and an extraordinary one.

Respect for Nature


As you engage in mountain photography, always remember to respect the surrounding environment. Do not damage the flora or fauna, and adhere to local rules and conservation regulations. Leave the place better than you found it so that future generations can also enjoy the beauty of the mountains.


Mountain photography 14Credits: Marc Thunis

Post-processing is an important part of mountain photography. Use editing software like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop to adjust exposure, white balance, sharpness, and other settings. Don't overdo post-processing, but use it to enhance your images and bring out the beauty of the mountains.

Continuous Learning

mountain photography landscape

Photography is a process of continuous learning. Study the work of talented mountain photographers, draw inspiration from their images, and strive to constantly improve your skills. Participating in photography workshops, reading books on the subject, and following online tutorials are excellent ways to deepen your knowledge.

I hope these tips are helpful in your journey to explore mountain photography. Mountains are a captivating and breathtaking subject, and with dedication and practice, you can capture their beauty in extraordinary ways. Good luck with your mountain photography adventures!

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