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Photographing in black and white: 5 useful tips


In the early history of photography, all images were black and white . If in the early years this was due to the non-existence of supports that allowed the creation of color photographs, for a long time black and white photography resisted thanks to the higher cost of color supports.


Now, with the almost total diffusion of digital photography, black and white photography has been relegated almost to the margins of the photographic world .

However, black and white images sometimes contain a " force " and a " dramatic tension " that is not found in color photography.

You can find it in the drama of Sebastião Salgado's photos .





So let's see 5 tips on how to photograph in black and white .



#1. Shoot in RAW

Cheaper cameras and smartphones cannot handle RAW formats . Furthermore, many users do not set their camera for RAW because they think it is too difficult and prevents immediate sharing of shots on social networks.

The RAW format, however, allows for maximum control in the post-production phase and allows you to convert your color images into black and white ones in a very effective way. Of course, shooting in JPEG format doesn't stop you from shooting in black and white, but if that's an option in your camera, try the RAW format, you might be surprised at what it offers you in post-production.

Fotografare in bianco e nero


But be careful: RAW produces much larger files than JPEG . So use very large memory cards.


#2. Shoot in color and convert to black and white later

If your camera doesn't allow you to shoot in RAW (or you didn't choose to), shoot in color and convert to black and white later on your computer .

While most digital cameras give you the option to shoot in black and white (and can produce acceptable results), if you do the conversion on your computer you have more control over the final results .



Furthermore, the computing power, filters and conversion parameters are certainly more efficient using a program on your computer, compared to the software included in your camera.

When shooting in RAW and switching to black and white mode, the results appear on the LCD in black and white, but the camera actually records all information (including color), the best of both worlds. But if you're shooting in JPEG format, shoot in color and convert later .


#3. Keep the ISO low

Shoot with the lowest ISO possible . While this is something most of us do in color photography, it's especially important when it comes to black and white where the noise created by high ISOs can become even more noticeable.

If you are looking for this " noise " (or grain ) you can always add it later in your post production, but it is more difficult if not impossible to get rid of this grain if your image already contains it due to the high noise introduced.



#4. When to shoot

The enemy of color photography is low contrast or muted, washed out colors . They are typical atmospheres of foggy or dark and cloudy winter days. On such days it may certainly not be worth leaving the house to take photographs, so much our result (in colour) will be mediocre.

So why not think about using the day for black and white photography?

A dark or cloudy day can be a great time to take black and white photos !

Also remember: ours is a world of colours, a simple object, if seen in black and white, can arouse new sensations.


#5. Composition

Most of the general tips on how to compose or frame a good shot apply just as well to black and white photography as they do when shooting in color. The main obvious difference is that you can't use color to guide the eye in or around your subject .

This means you have to train yourself to look at the shapes , tones and textures in the frame as points of interest.

Pay particular attention to the shadows and highlights that will become a feature of your shot.

Consider the guidelines !


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